Dental emergencies occur when you least expect it. If you are experiencing a toothache, broken or fractured tooth, trauma or accidents, knocked out tooth, crown came off, bleeding gums, swelling and abcess, headaches, please call us and we will advise on how to control the situation and limit pain until you can come into our office.
If you have a life threatening emergency however, please go to your nearest emergency room or dial 911.
I have never been to your office and don’t have insurance?
Dental emergencies don’t wait for the right time! Perhaps you are visiting Washington D.C for a getaway and bit into a fork or broke a tooth and maybe you have no dental insurance? No worries! You do not have to be an existing patient of Alexandria Dental Care Center nor have any dental insurance to come in for an emergency treatment.
0% Interest/ Low Monthly Payment options with Care Credit available. We also accept cash and all major credit cards. We participate with all major insurances. HSA/FSA Benefits Welcome. Call our office today for your dental needs !